Why Be An Entrepreneur? To Save The World!

More people should ask themselves, “Why be an entrepreneur?” If they did they would see that entrepreneurs are the most important people in the world. In fact,  entrepreneurs will save the world.

Maybe not you all by yourself. But entrepreneurs as a group are driven individuals and organizations who provide goods and services that the rest of humanity wants. That makes you the ONLY people who matter! Politicians, philanthropists, news media, and entertainment celebrities–they’re all just narcissists. And the zealous protestors? They’re speed bumps on the autobahn of commerce!

Entrepreneurs forge bonds across political and cultural boundaries by promoting products that people actually want. And you are continually improving those products, making them smaller, faster, cheaper, higher quality, more accessible, more dazzling.

Believe me: Entrepreneurs will save the world.

And Argent Place Advisors wants to help you do it.

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